Sedentary lifestyle and excessive physical activity can manifest itself in such a violation as hemorrhoids. According to the clinical picture, ...
A person who has an ulcer diagnosed must strictly follow his menu. Part of the products should be completely excluded from the diet( fatty...
Long delays in the acts of bowel movements and accompanying painful sensations are in themselves an unpleasant phenomenon, but when mucus, espe...
Inflammation of the esophagus mucosa( esophagitis) is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Depending on the rate of d...
Eczema - inflammation of the upper layers of the skin of a chronic form of a neuro-allergic nature, characterized by a persistent flow of rashes...
Meningitis is a dangerous infectious disease that affects the membranes of the brain, thereby causing inflammation in them. He is able to appear...
1 Causes of headaches in the bath If the head begins to spin, there is a drawing pain in the temples, you should check whether the roo...
Year after year, patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease are becoming more and more, which is due to an increase in the life expectancy of peo...
1 Drinks First you need to study your reaction to coffee, tea, alcohol and carbonated drinks. We recommend that you read...
1 Composition of the preparation and indications for the treatment of B Excedrine includes a combination of such components as paracet...
23 Feb 2018
Diagnosis of internal hemorrhoids, how to determine( recognize, recognize), what is different from external( external)?
Sedentary lifestyle and excessive physical activity can manifest itself in such a violation as hemorrhoids. According to the clinical picture, ...
23 Feb 2018
Stomach Ulcer
Chicken and quail eggs with stomach ulcer - benefit in treatment
A person who has an ulcer diagnosed must strictly follow his menu. Part of the products should be completely excluded from the diet( fatty...
23 Feb 2018
Mucus in feces with constipation in an adult, why does blood come out?
Long delays in the acts of bowel movements and accompanying painful sensations are in themselves an unpleasant phenomenon, but when mucus, espe...
23 Feb 2018
Treatment of esophagus esophagitis, how to treat, whether it is possible to cure, scheme, clinic, medical history, is it treated, how to get rid of forever?
Inflammation of the esophagus mucosa( esophagitis) is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Depending on the rate of d...
23 Feb 2018
Eczema on the legs - photos, symptoms and treatment
Eczema - inflammation of the upper layers of the skin of a chronic form of a neuro-allergic nature, characterized by a persistent flow of rashes...
23 Feb 2018
Infectious Diseases
Infectious Diseases
Meningitis - symptoms in adults and children, treatment
Meningitis is a dangerous infectious disease that affects the membranes of the brain, thereby causing inflammation in them. He is able to appear...
23 Feb 2018
Why after a bath or a sauna the head hurts and how with it or this to struggle
1 Causes of headaches in the bath If the head begins to spin, there is a drawing pain in the temples, you should check whether the roo...
23 Feb 2018
Parkinson's Disease
New in the treatment of Parkinson's disease: the latest modern methods in Moscow and Novosibirsk, reviews
Year after year, patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease are becoming more and more, which is due to an increase in the life expectancy of peo...
23 Feb 2018
Products that cause migraines
1 Drinks First you need to study your reaction to coffee, tea, alcohol and carbonated drinks. We recommend that you read...
23 Feb 2018
Diagnosis And Treatment
How to take Exedrine tablets against migraines and contraindications
1 Composition of the preparation and indications for the treatment of B Excedrine includes a combination of such components as paracet...