Treatment of the dysbacteriosis that has arisen in newborns is quite complicated, because, firstly, it is difficult to determine that this is n...
Cellulite is one of the most common female problems, which is associated with the violation of the metabolic processes. What causes cellulite? Is ...
Chinese Lemongrass is a plant that is used in folk medicine and has many useful properties. This vine can be grown on its own in the presence of i...
Among tumors on the mucosa of the stomach and intestines, adenomatous polyp is about ten percent. All of them are divided into: Tubular, ...
Surgery is very in demand in the treatment of acute pancreatitis, especially in recent times. If more recently, with severe forms of pancreatiti...
With such a disease as gastritis, there is a strong damage to the mucous membrane in the stomach. According to modern statistics, this patholog...
The question of what kind of diet to observe in pancreatitis, to date, is relevant for many. And this is really important, because with acute or...
Corns or burrs can be wet or dry. Regardless of the appearance of the disease, it is ugly phenomenon, it gives discomfort when walking, causing pai...
Dysbacteriosis is not an independent disease, but pathological dysfunction of the intestine, which can be a symptom of various diseases of the ...
According to statistics, about 20% of the world's population suffers from foot fungus. Indeed, the defeat of footsteps with mycoses is a fairly co...
25 Feb 2018
Treatment of dysbiosis in newborns and infants, how to treat the intestines of the baby, how to cure the baby, what is treated - what drugs, drugs, drugs?
Treatment of the dysbacteriosis that has arisen in newborns is quite complicated, because, firstly, it is difficult to determine that this is n...
25 Feb 2018
Folk Recipes Of Beauty
What causes cellulite?
Cellulite is one of the most common female problems, which is associated with the violation of the metabolic processes. What causes cellulite? Is ...
25 Feb 2018
Healing Herbs
Schisandra chinese: cultivation and care
Chinese Lemongrass is a plant that is used in folk medicine and has many useful properties. This vine can be grown on its own in the presence of i...
24 Feb 2018
Polyp adenomatous proliferating thick and rectum, stomach, treatment of familial polyposis of the intestine with adenomatosis
Among tumors on the mucosa of the stomach and intestines, adenomatous polyp is about ten percent. All of them are divided into: Tubular, ...
24 Feb 2018
Types Of Pancreatitis
Surgery of acute pancreatitis, surgery( surgical treatment)
Surgery is very in demand in the treatment of acute pancreatitis, especially in recent times. If more recently, with severe forms of pancreatiti...
24 Feb 2018
Bitterness and dry mouth in case of gastritis
With such a disease as gastritis, there is a strong damage to the mucous membrane in the stomach. According to modern statistics, this patholog...
24 Feb 2018
Products |
Recipes of dishes for patients with chronic and acute pancreatitis and a diet for pancreatic disease
The question of what kind of diet to observe in pancreatitis, to date, is relevant for many. And this is really important, because with acute or...
24 Feb 2018
Home Treatment
Dry callus treatment at home
Corns or burrs can be wet or dry. Regardless of the appearance of the disease, it is ugly phenomenon, it gives discomfort when walking, causing pai...
24 Feb 2018
Diet for intestinal dysbiosis in children, the diet menu, than to feed the child?
Dysbacteriosis is not an independent disease, but pathological dysfunction of the intestine, which can be a symptom of various diseases of the ...
24 Feb 2018
Folk Recipes Of Beauty
Tinedol - cream from fungus
According to statistics, about 20% of the world's population suffers from foot fungus. Indeed, the defeat of footsteps with mycoses is a fairly co...