1 Symptoms of an attack Migraine is characterized by painful and throbbing pain, sometimes only in one hemisphere of the head, nausea ...
1 Causes and symptoms There is no need to describe in detail the feelings that a headache brings with it, because every person has fel...
Swelling of the legs is a symptom that is manifested by visible swelling of the lower limbs, an increase in their circumference, and also, as a ...
One of the complications resulting from alcohol abuse is alcoholic polyneuropathy of the legs. This defeat of nerves, as a result of which the mus...
Observing the rules of personal hygiene and eating properly, it is easy to prevent diarrhea if it is not associated with diseases of internal o...
Crohn's disease, which always proceeds according to the chronic type of inflammatory pathology of the digestive organs, is characterized by a c...
Nowadays, using modern diagnostic methods, it is possible to detect worms in a timely manner and determine to which species they belong. On the...
A cancer of the stomach of a malignant type, in the case when it was not detected on time, did not take due measures to treatment, begins to pr...
Pancreatitis is a dangerous disease of the pancreas, in which the inflamed swollen organ does not allow the pancreatic juice produced in the int...
It is very regrettable that, to date, our country can hardly proudly boast of which training system is applied to potential defenders. Common l...
25 Feb 2018
Methods of prevention and treatment of migraine with drugs
1 Symptoms of an attack Migraine is characterized by painful and throbbing pain, sometimes only in one hemisphere of the head, nausea ...
25 Feb 2018
Diagnosis And Treatment
What you need to do if your head hurts: basic recommendations
1 Causes and symptoms There is no need to describe in detail the feelings that a headache brings with it, because every person has fel...
25 Feb 2018
Symptoms Of Disease
Why swelling of the legs, and what to do in this case?
Swelling of the legs is a symptom that is manifested by visible swelling of the lower limbs, an increase in their circumference, and also, as a ...
25 Feb 2018
Alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
One of the complications resulting from alcohol abuse is alcoholic polyneuropathy of the legs. This defeat of nerves, as a result of which the mus...
25 Feb 2018
How to quickly cure diarrhea - fast treatment of diarrhea
Observing the rules of personal hygiene and eating properly, it is easy to prevent diarrhea if it is not associated with diseases of internal o...
25 Feb 2018
An exacerbation of Crohn's disease, how long, what kind of diet?
Crohn's disease, which always proceeds according to the chronic type of inflammatory pathology of the digestive organs, is characterized by a c...
25 Feb 2018
How to detect worms and helminth eggs in the body of an adult and a child, methods of detection, what to do at home?
Nowadays, using modern diagnostic methods, it is possible to detect worms in a timely manner and determine to which species they belong. On the...
25 Feb 2018
Stomach Cancer
Incompatible stomach cancer, is it possible to treat?
A cancer of the stomach of a malignant type, in the case when it was not detected on time, did not take due measures to treatment, begins to pr...
25 Feb 2018
Weakness and dizziness in pancreatitis
Pancreatitis is a dangerous disease of the pancreas, in which the inflamed swollen organ does not allow the pancreatic juice produced in the int...
25 Feb 2018
Are they taken to the army with gastroduodenitis( duodenitis)
It is very regrettable that, to date, our country can hardly proudly boast of which training system is applied to potential defenders. Common l...